If you’re dealing with itchy and annoying athlete’s foot, you’re not alone. An estimated 3-15% of the population are affected by athlete’s foot, and it’s one of the most common infections that many of us deal with. Just because it’s common, though, doesn’t mean you should suffer through it. We know that you want an athlete’s foot cure that’s fast and effective!

We’re going to give you the lowdown on what athlete’s foot is, and how you can cure it quickly and easily right from your own home. 

What is athlete’s foot? 

Athlete’s foot, also called tinea pedis, is a fungal infection on the foot. It usually begins between the toes, caused by sweaty feet that are confined in tight-fitting shoes. Bacteria starts to grow from the moisture caused by the sweat, and a fungal infection ensues. 

Athlete’s foot is also a contagious fungus, so it can be spread on contaminated floors, towels, shoes, and clothing. This means you could also get athlete’s foot from public places that might carry fungi and infections. Most commonly, athlete’s foot is spread in wet places where people go barefoot, like locker rooms or public pools. 

Unfortunately, it can also spread to other parts of the body. So, if you touch your foot, it can spread to your hand— especially if you scratch the infected parts. People can get athlete’s foot infections on their hands, toenails, nails, and groin. 

What are the symptoms of athlete’s foot? 

  • Scaly, red rash on your foot
  • Itching (often worst right after you take off your shoes and socks)
  • Stinging
  • Burning
  • Blisters or ulcers (sometimes) 
  • Dryness and scaling on side of your foot 

The symptoms of athlete’s foot make it easy to misdiagnose as eczema or dry skin. It’s compared to ringworm or jock itch, especially since they’re often treated similarly. 

Note: If you have dry skin, you’ll want to make sure you use healthy, natural foot cures that are made for sensitive skin! 

What are the causes of athlete’s foot? 

Athlete’s foot is caused by a fungal infection, so anyone who is exposed to the fungus from another person or a contaminated surface (e.g. linens, towels, etc.) can get it. 

Some additional factors put you at a higher risk of athlete’s foot: 

  • Men are more susceptible
  • Genetic predisposition 
  • Allergies
  • Eczema
  • Particularly sweaty feet
  • Weak immune system
  • Circulation concerns in legs (as result of narrowed blood vessels or diabetes)
  • Participating in certain sports, like running and swimming 
  • Wearing rubber boots or other types of non-breathable shoes

Do I need to see a doctor for athlete’s foot? 

Athlete’s foot doesn’t usually cause serious complications, so a lot of individuals try treating it at home first with antifungal products or another home cure for athlete’s foot. Usually, if you use the right treatments consistently, your athlete’s foot infection should clear up quickly on its own. You’ll also want to continue to use antifungals regularly to prevent recurrence, as re-infection is common. 

However, if you have a rash that hasn’t improved in two weeks or has gotten worse, it’s definitely time to pay your doctor a visit. A fungal infection can also make you more susceptible to other types of infections, so you’ll want to schedule a doctor’s visit if you notice excessive redness, swelling, draining, or if you have a fever.  

If you have diabetes, you should not try to treat athlete’s foot at home. We recommend visiting your doctor if you notice any changes in your feet.  

What are the best athlete’s foot cures? 

It is 100% possible to effectively cure athlete’s foot at home. With the right antifungal product, your athlete’s foot can be gone in less than two weeks. With our Athlete’s Foot X, our customers see improvement in one week! 

When looking for athlete’s foot cures, you want to look for products that have natural and antifungal ingredients. 

Why natural?

It might not seem important, but natural, non-toxic ingredients are critical for finding a safe and effective athlete’s foot cure. If you put artificial ingredients or synthetics on an infection, it is going to get worse. That’s why so many customers find that dealing with harsh chemicals or intense prescriptions actually exacerbates their athlete’s foot.  

What does antifungal mean? 

Antifungal ingredients destroy fungus and fungal infections. There are a lot of natural ingredients, like essential oils, that have antifungal properties. Some of these include:

  • peppermint essential oil,
  • thyme oil,
  • lavender oil,
  • rosemary oil,
  • tea tree oil,
  • eucalyptus oil,
  • geranium oil,
  • clove oil,
  • cinnamon oil, and
  • cumin.

Find out about these antifungal essential oils and other antifungals with this research

The list above is of naturally-derived antifungals, but there are also a lot of active, prescription-strength ingredients that are safe to use. For example, butenafine hydrocholoride is a common topical ingredient used to safely and effectively treat fungal infections all over the body. We like it because it’s prescription-grade without all the harsh drying and flaking. 

What are the best home cures for athlete’s foot?

1. Athlete’s Foot Cream X 

Whether you’re dealing with athlete’s foot, ringworm, jock itch, or other fungal infections, this ultra-powerful anti-fungal treatment will do the trick in no time— seven days, to be precise! 

Athlete’s Foot X will obliterate the fungus between your toes, while offering calming relief from that annoying and painful itching, burning, cracking, and discomfort. Our anti-fungal cream contains prescription-strength butenafine hydrochloride to kill the majority of the fungus within a week of consistent use. Although butenafine hydrochloride may sound scary, it’s actually a safe solution for anyone ages 12 and up, so even teens (who walk around in nasty locker rooms) can use this for athlete’s foot and other fungal concerns. 

We guarantee you’ll see success if you use Athlete’s Foot X consistently and as instructed. 

2. Tea Tree Oil Foot Soak

Tea tree oil is the most widely-known and used antifungal agents, and for a good reason. It’s highly potent, so it works quickly and effectively to get the job done. 

That’s why we put tea tree oil in our foot soak. That’s also why we included eucalyptus, peppermint, rosemary, chamomile, and spearmint oils— for antifungal and cooling properties. Together, these oils (along with Epsom salts, dead sea salts, and MSM) work effortlessly to get rid of fungal infections like athlete’s foot. Just throw this soak in a foot spa or soaker, and let this proprietary blend get to work on your aching feet. You will see your athlete’s foot start to disappear after just a few soaks!

A foot soak is also a great preventative measure—just soak your feet after a long, sweaty day and you’ll never deal with athlete’s foot again! Plus, a foot massager with tea tree oil is so relaxing and rejuvenating, you’ll be eager to get home, kick off your shoes, and slip your feet into this luxurious at-home foot spa! 

We recommend soaking your feet once daily with the tea tree soak, followed by an application of Athlete’s Foot X. You’ll see your foot get back its smooth, healthy radiance in no time. 

P.S. Don’t forget to grab your gloves and wash the basin after use. Cleaning the spa will prevent reinfection.

3. Anti-Fungal Foot Balm 

If you’re looking to get rid of athlete’s foot and fungal infections in the most natural way possible while still getting the job done, you need to try out our Foot Cure Anti-Fungal Foot Balm. This proprietary blend of 8 vital essential oils is chock-full of those antifungal ingredients we mentioned before, like lavender oil, tea tree oil, eucalyptus oil, and geranium oil. It also uses coconut oil, olive oil, canola oil, and vitamin C to leave skin soft and moisturized, since antifungals can often have a drying effect. This foot balm will leave skin feeling healthy and beautiful while getting rid of fungal infections, dry skin, cracked heels, and calluses. 

This super-healthy and beneficial balm is excellent for preventative measures against athlete’s foot as well. 

Is there a home cure for athlete’s foot? 

Aside from the three antifungal products we just mentioned, we don’t recommend most other “home” cures. They usually don’t work well, or they’re unsafe to use without proper precautions. We’ve seen stories that rubbing garlic on your athlete’s foot will cure it; nope, garlic cloves won’t do anything but make your foot sting and burn. This wive’s tale originates from the fact that ajoene, which is found in garlic, may help ease symptoms of athlete’s foot when taken orally as an antifungal pill or used topically in gel form.

If you’re looking for a home cure for athlete’s foot, here are some other potential options to supplement a proven antifungal regimen discussed above: 

  • Soak your feet in lukewarm, organic green tea. Polyphenols in green tea may have antifungal powers that can help speed up the healing process. It’s not a fast method though; usually requiring a 3-month treatment, we highly recommend it as just a supplement to topical antifungal balms. You can even throw some organic green tea leaves in with your tea tree soak! 
  • Hydrogen peroxide may be effective in killing fungus and other infectious bacteria, and it’s often a must-have in a lot of first aid kits. However, hydrogen peroxide can sting on infections, and it could do more harm than good if not applied correctly. If you want to try this remedy, make sure to get a diluted hydrogen peroxide solution, and apply with a clean Q-tip or cotton ball 1-2 times daily.
  • Baby powder doesn’t treat athlete’s foot, but it can be useful to keep the affected area dry and clean. Baby powder reduces moisture, making it hard for the fungus to spread. Apply baby powder directly to the dried area before putting on socks. We don’t recommend using talcum powder because of concerns about its inhalation.  
  • Some people use Vicks VapoRub because it has eucalyptus oil and menthol, both of which have antifungal properties. If you don’t have a Foot Cure Anti-Fungal Balm on hand, Vicks could be a decent substitution. However, it has some unhealthy ingredients in it—the first ingredient listed is “synthetic”—so we aren’t huge fans. Besides, it usually takes at least a month to clear up athlete’s foot while just using Vicks at night under your socks. 

Are there any tips for prevention?

Since recurrence of athlete’s foot is (unfortunately) common, here are some measures you can take to do your best to prevent it from returning: 

  • Keep your feet as dry as possible, especially between your toes. Dry your feet after a bath or shower, and walk barefoot to let your feet air out when possible. 
  • Change your socks regularly— at least once a day. If you have particularly-sweaty feet, change your socks twice or more per day. 
  • You may also want to change your shoes once a day to let them air out, too. For example, don’t go to work in the same sneakers you went to the gym in earlier that morning.  
  • Wear light, breathable shoes. Avoid synthetic shoes like rubber or vinyl. Check out these 18 breathable shoes for people with sweaty feet
  • Always wear waterproof shoes or sandals in public places to prevent catching any fungal or bacterial infections. This is especially important in locker rooms, public pools, and showers. 
  • Don’t share shoes with anyone, and definitely don’t share linens with anyone who has a fungal infection. 
  • Wash all towels and linens regularly while dealing with an athlete’s foot infection. 

Athlete’s Foot Cure 

We know just how painful athlete’s foot can be. We also know that you want it solved quickly, easily, and with comfortable at-home solutions. That’s why you don’t need to wait to get a doctor’s appointment to get a prescription anymore— Foot Cure has the home cure you need for athlete’s foot. 

Athlete’s Foot X heals the majority of athlete’s foot infections in just seven days, offering relief from the itching and discomfort that a fungal infection brings. With prescription-grade butenafine hydrochloride, you know you’re getting the best possible cure— and at a fraction of the price. 

To supplement your athlete’s foot cream and to prevent athlete’s foot from returning, we recommend a weekly (if not daily) tea tree soak, followed by a daily anti-fungal foot balm treatment. Say goodbye to itching and rashes, because Foot Cure has the solutions you need to regain your confidence and feel great in any shoes you wear.

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